• The event will be livestreamed below. 
  • 找到完整的后勤信息,以及学校毕业典礼和5月23日学士学位弥撒的直播 毕业典礼 2021 website

大卫·布鲁克斯, 一个记者, 作者, 作为文化和政治评论员,他以《太阳城网赌平台》专栏作家的身份,通过其他全国性媒体分享了自己的分析和观点, 将于5月24日在太阳城网赌平台第144届毕业典礼上向该校2021届毕业生致辞.

University President William P. 莱希,年代.J.将在上午10点举行的颁奖典礼上授予布鲁克斯荣誉学位.m. in 校友 Stadium, rain or shine. Due to COVID-19 health and capacity regulations, attendance will be limited.

除了, the University will present honorary degrees to: Lyndia Downie, president and executive director of the Pine Street Inn; former BC football player Sean Guthrie ’01, M.Ed.’14, head of middle school at The Fessenden School in West Newton, Mass.; Christine Montenegro McGrath ’87, vice president and chief of global impact, sustainability, and well-being for Mondelēz International; and former University Vice President for Human 资源 and Senior Advisor to the President 狮子座V. 沙利文,M.Ed. ’80, P ’89 and ’90.

Approximately 4,今年有300名太阳城网赌平台的学生获得了本科和太阳城官网生学位.

More on the 2021 honorary degree recipients:




大卫·布鲁克斯(大卫·布鲁克斯)在《太阳城网赌平台》(New York Times)担任令人垂涎的专栏作家近20年,他还是《公共广播太阳城网赌平台一小时》(the PBS newhour)的定期评论员,” NPR’s “All Things Considered,” and NBC’s “Meet the Press.他的职业生涯始于芝加哥城市新闻社(City News Bureau)的警察记者,后来在《太阳城网赌平台》(The Washington Times)担任过各种职务, The Wall Street Journal—where he served as an international correspondent, book reviews editor, 专栏编辑器, and for a while, movie critic—The Atlantic, 《太阳城官网》, and The Weekly Standard.

Described by a Times colleague as a conservative who understands liberals, Brooks has become one of the most high-profile commentators of our time, his trenchant analysis of politics, international news, 经济学, and social issues read or heard by millions. In 2004, Brooks created the Sidney Hook Awards—named for the philosopher, 积极分子, and 作者—to honor the year’s best political and cultural journalism, which he announces every December in his Times column.

出生于加拿大的布鲁克斯已经出版了四本书,其中包括《太阳城网赌平台》(The Road to Character). 他的最新著作是《太阳城官网》. In his writings and lectures, 他提出了在我们内心的两个自我之间取得平衡的想法:寻求“恢复美德”的自我——获得财富, 名声, and status—and the self that is dedicated to “eulogy virtues,” those that exist at the core of our being: kindness, 勇敢, 诚实, focusing on what kind of relationships we have formed.  

A graduate of the University of Chicago, Brooks teaches at Yale University, and is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.  

Lyndia Downie

Lyndia Downie

Lyndia Downie

A staunch believer in treating others with dignity and compassion, Lyndia Downie在她36年的职业生涯中致力于帮助英联邦各地无家可归的男女.

As president and executive director of the Pine Street Inn since 2000, 唐尼带头在波士顿为无家可归的人扩建永久性支持性住房. Under her leadership, the Pine Street Inn is now the largest provider of such housing in New England, while also serving thousands of guests every day through its emergency shelters, street outreach, and job training programs.

A graduate of the University of Vermont, Downie first encountered the Pine Street Inn while reading a roommate’s copy of Boston College Magazine. A year later, in 1984, she applied for a job as an administrative assistant, and went on to hold positions at nearly every level of the organization, 从领导男子庇护所的运作到监督公共事务和发展. Over the years, 她还促进了Pine Street Inn与太阳城网赌平台(Boston College)的PULSE服务学习项目的合作, providing formative volunteer experiences for hundreds of undergraduates.

今天, 唐尼在无家可归这一复杂话题上的专长和成就使她成为广受欢迎的演讲者和政策顾问,并获得了许多著名奖项, 比如被联邦太阳城官网所评为2019年和2020年马萨诸塞州100位女性领袖之一 The Boston Globe.

Sean Guthrie

Sean Guthrie

Sean Guthrie

An outstanding athlete whose abilities brought him to the National Football League, Sean Guthrie now pursues and promotes excellence in the field of education.  

自2019年以来, Guthrie has served as the head of middle school at The Fessenden School, leading programs for 109 boys in grades five and six. Now in his 15th year as an educator, 他曾在城市公立和私立学校担任教学和领导职务. In either setting, 他的决定都是由同一个目标驱动的:通过教育为学生创造积极的变化.

在BC时, where he earned a degree in accounting, the Miami native was an accomplished defensive end for the Eagles, a natural leader who was named a team captain. Following graduation, Guthrie played in the NFL for the New York Giants, Indianapolis Colts, and Washington Redskins.

Following the end of his playing career, Guthrie settled in Boston to pursue a new career, teaching mathematics in schools in Boston and Cambridge. 他回到不列颠哥伦比亚省担任多诺万城市教学太阳城官网员,并于2014年获得教育学硕士学位. In 2016, he was selected as a principal fellow at BC’s Lynch Leadership Academy, where he worked with the Curley K-8 School in Boston. Prior to joining Fessenden, 格思里是波士顿Mattapan社区的青年成就者科学和数学试点学校的校长.

Christine Montenegro McGrath

Christine Montenegro McGrath

Christine Montenegro McGrath

Christine Montenegro McGrath serves as vice president and chief of global impact, sustainability, and well-being for Mondelēz International, 世界上最大的零食公司之一,拥有奥利奥等标志性食品品牌, 吉百利, and Trident gum.

在她的角色中, McGrath is tasked with addressing challenges of deforestation and climate change, 肥胖, and gender inequality. One of her signature initiatives, 可可生活, a $400-million program launched in 2012, 旨在通过更好的种植实践提高可可种植业和可可供应链的可持续性, community development, and women’s empowerment. McGrath also promotes company goals to reduce the amount of packaging in its products, make all of its packaging recyclable by 2025, 并通过增加份量控制选项和包装信息来解决饮食健康问题.

被《太阳城官网》杂志评为2017年和2018年50位最具影响力的拉丁裔商界人士之一, 麦格拉思被选为该公司首届全球多样性和包容性委员会的领导人.

Prior to joining Mondelēz International, McGrath在卡夫食品公司工作了20多年,担任拉美裔卓越中心副总裁, 在那里她大大增加了公司在拉丁美洲市场的投资和增长.


狮子座V. 沙利文

狮子座V. 沙利文

狮子座V. 沙利文

在2014年担任现任大学校长William P. 莱希. S.J., Leo 沙利文 was responsible for Human 资源 operations at Boston College. 他从1968年起担任人力资源总监,直到1989年被任命为人力资源副总裁. Under his helm, 人力资源部从一个负责800名员工的两人办公室发展到一个负责3名员工的50人部门,400 employees.

A popular and highly respected administrator, 沙利文以其与BC员工的私人关系以及对大学生活和文化的深远影响而闻名. Upon his departure from the division of Human 资源, 沙利文 was praised by Fr. 表彰他在数十年的服务中提供“教牧关怀、智慧和敏感”.”

沙利文在招募和雇用关键的高级管理人员方面发挥了重要作用,并帮助塑造了20世纪末和21世纪初太阳城网赌平台的工作场所. A nationally recognized leader in human resources management, 他创建的项目既改善了不列颠哥伦比亚省的专业环境,又应对了不断变化的工作场所,因此受到赞誉. He oversaw the establishment of the Office of Affirmative Action in 1971, the Children’s Center in 1988, and the Office for Institutional Diversity in 2005.

A graduate of Northeastern University, 沙利文于1980年获得太阳城网赌平台教育学硕士学位,同时也是两名BC大学毕业生的父母.

University Communications | May 2021