
LLA的团队由具有令人印象深刻的业绩历史的前任校长组成. They channel specialized expertise in instructional leadership, executive management, 并将打破不平等转变为一项共同使命:培养能够提升所有学生成绩的领导者.

Jenne Colasacco
Jenne Colasacco
Executive Director
Jenne Colasacco

Jenne Colasacco

Executive Director

Jenne自2018年2月起担任Lynch Leadership Academy的执行董事, 并坚定地致力于领导LLA通过下一个层次的影响, by expanding our reach to new regions and by deepening and expanding our program with our current partner districts and sectors. Jenne于2013年7月加入Lynch Leadership Academy,担任领导力有效性总监. Before joining the Lynch Leadership Academy, 珍妮是环太平洋特许公立学校学院的一名学校领导, in Boston’s Hyde Park neighborhood. Under Jenne’s leadership, APR’s high school consistently demonstrated strong results, 包括在2009年和2012年成为该州10年级ELA MCAS得分最高的学校. Prior to her work at APR, Jenne taught high school science in Providence, RI and in Baltimore City Public Schools, where she was a 1999 Teach For America corps member.  Additionally, Jenne served as an adjunct faculty member at Boston University, 她在那里指导即将加入“为美国而教”组织的成员学习一般的教学方法.  Jenne earned a Bachelor’s Degree of Arts in Human 生物logy from Brown University and her Master’s Degree of Science in Educational Leadership from Simmons College.

Joseph Dolan
Joseph Dolan
Senior Director, Learning & Innovation
Joseph Dolan

Joseph Dolan

Senior Director, Learning & Innovation

Joe joined the LLA team in October 2014. 在此之前,他曾担任剑桥高中扩展项目的创始校长, 这是一所由剑桥公立学校赞助的非传统高中, for ten years. During his time in Cambridge, 他负责设计和发展学校的各个方面, which has graduated 300 学生 since its inception. 他也是剑桥领导力网络的创始成员, a partnership between Richard Elmore of the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Cambridge Public Schools. Prior to his work in Cambridge, Joe worked in charter schools in Lowell and Boston and was a state official with the Massachusetts Department of Education. 自2011年以来, he has been an adjunct faculty member at Lesley University where he has taught courses in curriculum and instruction, adolescent development and engaging high school learners.  Joe earned a Bachelor’s Degree in History & 毕业于东康涅狄格州立大学社会科学专业,课程硕士学位 & Instruction from Fairfield University, 获得波士顿大学教育管理博士学位.

Christopher Graham
Christopher Graham
Director of Finance & Operations
Christopher Graham

Christopher Graham

Director of Finance & Operations

Chris joined the LLA team in March of 2021. Prior to that, 他曾在劳伦斯的UP学院奥利弗中学担任运营总监, MA for five years. During his tenure as DOO, 克里斯和他的团队监督了几项大规模的新学校实践的规划和推广. 在2015-2016学年,他担任UP Academy Dorchester的驻校运营总监. 在担任驻校教师之前,克里斯在中学教了五年书. At UP Academy Holland, 在公司扭亏为盈的第一年,他担任了小组组长和五年级数学老师. Before joining the UP Education Network, he taught fifth grade math at Roxbury Preparatory Charter School for two years and worked at the Epiphany school where he taught 5th grade science and ran the athletics program for two years.  Chris earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from Boston College and his Master’s Degree in Curriculum Development at Boston College as a Donovan Urban Teaching Scholar.

Marlena Afonso-Bordenave
Marlena Afonso-Bordenave
Leadership Coach
Marlena Afonso-Bordenave

Marlena Afonso-Bordenave

Leadership Coach

Marlena  joined the LLA team in August of 2019. 在此之前,她在马萨诸塞州塞勒姆的宾利学院特许学校工作了五年. 她曾担任课程与教学主任,后来担任校长. During her tenure as principal, she helped develop systems for instructional improvement and coaching that moved the school from Level 4 to Level 1 in only one year. Marlena also worked as a principal intern, an elementary and middle school special education teacher, and a teacher leader.  Marlena拥有普罗维登斯学院心理学和西班牙语学士学位, 哈佛大学教育太阳城官网生院的学校领导硕士学位, 并获得亚利桑那州立大学特殊教育硕士学位. Marlena is an LLA alum and member of Cohort V.

Cristin Berry Pizzimenti
Cristin Berry Pizzimenti
Leadership Coach
Cristin Berry Pizzimenti

Cristin Berry Pizzimenti

Leadership Coach

Cristin Berry Pizzimenti joined the LLA team in July of 2018.  在此之前,她在City on a Hill特许学校工作了12年.  During that time, she was the principal at the flagship campus, City on a Hill Circuit Street, 在担任网络副首席学术官之前,他工作了四年.  克里斯汀还担任过高中数学老师、班主任和副校长. 此外,克里斯汀作为第四队列的成员参加了LLA. Cristin earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from John Carroll University and a Master of Arts in high school mathematics from Simmons College.

Erin Borthwick
Erin Borthwick
Leadership Coach
Erin Borthwick

Erin Borthwick

Leadership Coach

Erin joined the LLA team in 2017. Prior to that, 她在罗斯林代尔的沃尔夫冈·莫扎特小学当了四年校长, where she led the school to Level 1 status and DESE recognition as a Commendation School for narrowing proficiency gaps. She worked with staff, 学生, and families to develop an anti-racist learning community and implemented an innovative and effective inclusion model for 学生 with autism. During her tenure at the Mozart, Erin participated in the LLA 太阳城官网员hip as a member of Cohort IV and twice mentored LLA Aspiring Principal 太阳城官网员. She also served as an assistant principal, teacher leader, 在成为校长之前,他在波士顿公立学校当了八年的老师. Erin earned an Ed.M. 获得哈佛大学教育太阳城官网生院的学校领导学学士学位和学士学位.A. 美国大学中学教育与政治学硕士.

Michelle Brito
Michelle Brito
Leadership Coach
Michelle Brito

Michelle Brito

Leadership Coach

米歇尔于2022年夏天加入林奇领导学院团队. Prior to that, 在担任教育顾问之前,她曾在卡洛琳母亲学院担任校长五年. During her time as principal, 她建立了几个合作伙伴关系,以提高学生和家庭的参与度, increased secondary school admissions options for 学生, redesigned the curriculum planning and implementation process, and successfully added elementary grades to the school. Michelle has also served as a teacher, secondary school placement director, admissions associate, and in other capacities for schools in the Boston area. She has experience working in urban, 天主教, and independent school communities as well as non-profit organizations committed to providing equitable and meaningful educational experiences for underserved and marginalized 学生.  Michelle earned a Bachelor’s Degree in History from Middlebury College and her Master’s Degree in Education Administration from Emmanuel College.

Lisa Catapano
Lisa Catapano
Consulting Leadership Coach
Lisa Catapano

Lisa Catapano

Consulting Leadership Coach

Lisa returned to Lynch Leadership Academy as a Leadership Coach in 2021 having previously held this role supporting Cohorts III, IV, IX和X. For 25+ years, she has served as a strategic capacity builder, consultant and executive coach, empowering transformative growth in leaders and organizations. Her expertise spans global strategy, operations, human capital management, and organizational development in the education, philanthropic and professional service sectors. 她也是一名认证的生活教练,为教练的经历带来了全面的方法.

牛顿蒙台梭利学校(现为韦兰蒙台梭利)的联合创始人、前校长和董事会主席, Lisa led the successful start-up of this Infant-6 elementary school overseeing implementation of academic and enrichment programs, 金融, operations, human resources and advancement. Through her work as an executive search consultant with Talent Citizen and Nonprofit Professionals Advisory Group, 她为非营利组织领导人和董事会提供战略性人才获取和继任规划方面的建议. Lisa also served as former Vice President of Operations at a rapid growth 金融 and business consulting firm where she co-founded and served as Managing Chair of a corporate charitable foundation.

Lisa earned her B.A. in English from Boston College and J.D. from Suffolk University Law School. She holds a Certification in Leading Professional Service Firms from the Harvard Business School of Executive Education, 并因其慈善领导力被《太阳城网赌平台》评为企业公民.

David Corvi
David Corvi
Leadership Coach
David Corvi

David Corvi

Leadership Coach

David has spent the past 15+ years as an educational leader in some of our nation's most underserved and disadvantaged communities.  他最近担任费城地铁儿童扫盲倡议(CLI)的区域经理, a non-profit working with pre-k through 5th grade teachers to improve early literacy instruction so children become powerful readers, 作家, and thinkers.  Prior to CLI, 大卫在卡姆登市的森林山小学担任了五年的校长, 新泽西.  During those years, David led the school community through significant growth and development in the areas of student and staff culture, family engagement, and data-driven and standards-based instruction. 

As a Teach For America alum, David remains committed to the movement of educational equity in our nation and approaches his work with a culturally responsive pedagogical philosophy.  During his time as a corps member, he worked as a founding teacher at Boys’ Latin of Philadelphia Charter School not only to ensure student academic growth and achievement, but also to establish school-wide procedures and policies while creating a supportive environment for positive student culture.

David持有宾夕法尼亚州和新泽西州的校长证书.  He is a proud alumni of The University of Pennsylvania's Graduate School of Education where he earned a Master's in Education.  大卫在伊萨卡学院获得英国文学学士学位.

Carmen Pierre Canel
Carmen Pierre Canel
Leadership Coach
Carmen Pierre Canel

Carmen Pierre Canel

Leadership Coach

Carmen joined the LLA Team in July 2021.  Carmen has consistently worked to ensure every adult and student in schools where she has led engages in dynamic learning experiences that allow them to develop as critical thinkers and become self reflective in order to make our communities better places for all. Before joining the LLA Team, 卡门曾担任海德公园APR特许学校的中学校长, 在那里,她领导学校社区成为一个反种族主义组织. Prior to that, 卡门作为校长在波士顿的几所公立学校工作了十年, Principal Fellow, Director of Instruction, Teacher Leader and HS Math Teacher.  Carmen earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics from Hampton University and her Master’s Degree in Secondary Education from Boston College as a Donovan Urban Teaching Scholar. Carmen is an LLA alum and member of Cohort V. 

Marcia Riddick
Marcia Riddick
Consulting Leadership Coach
Marcia Riddick

Marcia Riddick

Consulting Leadership Coach

Marcia joined the LLA team in August 2020. 在此之前,她曾在波士顿公立学校担任教育工作者. 她20多年的经验包括担任教师的角色, reading specialist, instructional coach, district-wide literacy coach and principal. 最近,她在马瑟小学担任校长. Her passion for transformational leadership, and equitable literacy led to improved literacy practice, the coherent and full implementation of a standards-aligned reading curriculum and positive student gains at the Mather.  Marcia earned her Bachelor’s Degree of Arts in Elementary Education from Emmanuel College and her Master’s Degree in Education from Lesley University. Marcia is an LLA alum and member of Cohort VII.

Diane Reardon
Diane Reardon
Assistant Director of Program and Operations
Diane Reardon

Diane Reardon

Assistant Director of Program and Operations

Diane joined LLA in December 2023. 在加入团队之前,Diane曾在当地的非营利组织Bottom Line工作. She served as a Senior College Access Advisor, supporting caseloads of low income, 第一代大学生在上大学过程中. She graduated from Boston College in 2021 where she attended the Lynch School of Education and Human Development, 主修应用心理学与人的发展,辅修妇女与性别太阳城官网.

林奇领导力学院不仅仅关注领导力的一个方面. 当然, it focuses on data-driven instruction, but also on having conversations about race and inequity, which are central to driving learning outcomes.