
There are two tracks within the 古典太阳城官网 主要的: 经典的语言 and 古典文化. The former emphasizes study of the ancient world through Latin and Greek while the latter foregrounds the interdisciplinarity of 古典太阳城官网, 借鉴古代文学的太阳城官网, 艺术, 表演, 科学, 和更多的. 

The tracks are designed to help you decide what you want to focus on in your studies—but not to cut you off from courses that might interest you! Students in the Cultures track will have the opportunity to take ancient language courses, while students in the Language track will have the opportunity—and indeed the responsibility—to take non-language courses.

An important note: 太阳城官网生 study in 古典太阳城官网 or Ancient 历史 usually requires at least three years of Greek and Latin. Talk to your advisor as soon as possible if graduate school in these fields might be of interest to you.


The Language track is designed for students who want to emphasize working with texts in the original languages within a broader exploration of the Ancient Mediterranean world. If you want to make Greek and Latin central to your studies and/or you are interested in pursuing graduate study in Classics, 这首歌是给你的.

这条赛道允许学生继续学习历史, 艺术, 宗教, and literature through the lens of close reading and analysis of ancient texts, while building out a comprehensive knowledge of the ancient Mediterranean world. 通过太阳城官网古老的方法来解决人类长期存在的问题, students will apply the knowledge and skills that they acquire in this track to contemporary challenges.



The Cultures track is designed for students who are seeking a broad classical education and who do not intend to pursue graduate study in Classics. 这条赛道允许学生继续学习历史, 艺术, 宗教, and literature while building out a comprehensive knowledge of the ancient Mediterranean world. 

通过太阳城官网古老的方法来解决人类长期存在的问题, students will apply the knowledge and skills that they acquire in this track to contemporary challenges.
