
莫里西艺术学院的国际太阳城官网项目提供了严格而灵活的跨学科本科专业和辅修课程 & 帮助学生在复杂的全球动态中培养敏锐的分析能力和道德推理的科学. 我们邀请您调查这个强大的程序所提供的一切, 想象一下它会把你的学术带向何方, 专业, 个人旅程.


学生必须申请并被接受进入IS项目,才能成为IS专业的学生. 该专业有五个组成部分:选修核心课程, 选择浓度, 学习一门语言, 出国留学, 完成一篇高级研讨会或论文.


所有本科生都被邀请选修国际太阳城官网辅修课程. There is no application to be an IS minor; you need only submit a course plan that includes two foundation courses and four electives.

国际太阳城官网专业和未成年人的学术成就一直得到认可, 社区服务, 和领导能力. 我们自豪地承认他们在这些和其他类别中的认可.




太阳城网赌平台根据学生的累积平均绩点(GPA)在毕业时授予拉丁语荣誉。. 从2021届开始,荣誉学位的累积平均成绩如下:

  • 优等生 (以最高荣誉).9–4.0的绩点
  • 优等生 (以优异成绩).8–3.899年平均绩点
  • 以优等成绩毕业者 (光荣地).667–3.799年平均绩点

(在2021届之前, 优等生 被授予前4名.5%的毕业生; 优等生 下一个9.5 percent; and 以优等成绩毕业者 到接下来的15%).


利玛窦,S.J. 论文奖

利玛窦, SJ国际太阳城官网荣誉论文奖是为了纪念16世纪意大利耶稣会士,以其在中国作为学者的工作而闻名, 科学家, 和传教士.


《摆脱泥潭:信誉如何影响美国在越南的战争终止政策.(指导老师:教授. Jennifer Erickson; second reader: Prof. 蒂莫西·克劳福德)


  • 莉莉马修: “在摩洛哥打造女性认同的新领域:通过母性和伊斯兰教调动的机构评估”
    (导师:教授. Natana DeLong-Bas)

  • 伊莎贝尔·琼斯: “掩饰:拉丁美洲卫生安全频谱的混合方法分析”
    (导师:教授. 詹妮弗·埃里克森)

(导师:教授. 彼得克劳斯) 

“为什么国家要接受难民? 拉丁美洲对委内瑞拉移民政策反应的个案太阳城官网分析”(顾问:教授). 珍妮Purnell)

(导师:教授. 詹妮弗·埃里克森)


学院的学者在4月15日之前提交完成并通过的论文可能会被考虑获得麦卡锡奖, 授予莫里西学院自然科学领域的最佳论文项目, 社会科学, 和人文学科. 麦卡锡奖在学者宴会上颁发,并在大学毕业典礼上颁发.


Phi Beta Kappa

成立于1776年的著名学术荣誉学会, Phi Beta Kappa庆祝在文科和理科方面的卓越表现,并支持思想自由. 不列颠哥伦比亚省分会(Omicron)于1970年成立, 并继续邀请“文理学院最优秀的本科学者”加入Phi Beta Kappa,成为终身会员. 
选举的标准是“优秀的学术和良好的品格”,“重点是那些寻求深度智力参与的学生. 因此,几乎所有入选Phi Beta Kappa的IS专业学生都是论文作者. 


累积平均分不低于3分的学生.700人或以上有资格申请mcas范围内的学院学者称号, 哪一项允许学生在他们的论文项目中申请9或12学分, 以换取对工作深度和质量的更高期望. 学院论文的学者有资格获得麦卡锡奖(见下文). 

如果你有兴趣追求学院的学者论文, 和你的指导老师谈谈, 论文导师, 和IS项目论文协调员(教授. 高中前的春季或夏季.

Applications for a 12-credit SOC thesis are due to the MCAS Dean's Office the the first week of the fall semester; applications for the 9-credit SOC thesis are due in mid-December.


  • 朱荣伟,24岁
  • 伊莎贝尔·琼斯,23岁
  • 文伟(玛丽)苏22
  • Zoë Fanning '20
  • 茱莉亚Bloechl '20
  • Narintohn Luangrath, 14岁
  • 卡罗琳·塞里洛,13岁
  • 凯文·萨维奇,13届
  • 克里斯·菲茨帕特里克,13届
  • 凯文·莫兰,11岁
  • 肖恩·康伯10岁




主要的s and minors in the IS Program select one of the following four concentrations, 或跟踪, to help them focus their interests:

Cooperation and Conflict
这种集中考虑了有关国际事务中合作与冲突太阳城官网的基本理论和实证问题, 包括战争的起因, 革命, and 恐怖主义; the consequences of international and domestic actors’ attempts at reconciliation; the role of arms control, 情报, 国际机构, 全球治理, and grand strategy; and sources of state and individual security and insecurity. 每场战争都是独一无二的, 每一次和平都不一样, 学生将有充足的机会太阳城官网世界各地的历史和当代案例. 同时, 学生将接近战争, 和平, 和安全作为一般的社会现象,并检查跨案例和理论观点的共同特征和动态.

Ethics and Social Justice
这种集中考虑国际事务的宗教和世俗伦理框架, 以及揭示特定伦理问题的国际政治领域, 包括主权, 恐怖主义, 调解, 人权, 经济正义, 以及在战争或人道主义干预中使用武力. 学生还将探索宗教的作用和社会正义的动机在国家和非国家行为者之间的互动.

全球 Cultures
这种集中考虑了在全球连接的世界中文化制造和社区的两个维度. 在“工作中的文化”集群中, 学生考查专业的文化生产, 对文化进行批判性探究,既是一种复杂的意义创造活动,也是全球经济的核心商品. 在“文化与社会运动”组, 学生太阳城官网社区和运动如何通过培养和部署共享的社会, 文化, 宗教, 政治, 经济资源. 全球文化集中者可以选择完成一个1学分的选修实习,无论是在文化产品的创造或在基层动员和其他参与方法的全球重要性和文化代表性的问题.

Political Economy and Development Studies
这种集中考虑政治和经济之间的相互作用,决定国家之间的相互作用, 市场, 和社会, 无论是在发达国家还是在发展中国家. 学生将获得对经济的理解, 政治, 以及国际公共政策问题中的道德风险,并培养分析政策选择的能力. 集中的一个中心焦点是人类福祉的改善, 特别是, 虽然不完全如此, 在发展中国家,包括非洲国家的背景下, 亚洲, 太平洋和拉丁美洲.


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Yes! 国际太阳城官网 majors and minors are strongly encouraged to spend at least a semester abroad, but BC offers study abroad programs ranging from one week to an entire academic year. Nearly 90% of our majors study abroad for a summer or semester. 

出国留学 Information for IS


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In short, AP credits can be used to demonstrate language proficiency and can offer exemptions from a specific course that counts for our major, but AP credits will not reduce the number of courses needed to fulfill the core or elective requirments—they simply allow students to take a higher-level course in its place.

For example:

To test out of our core 经济学 requirement (Principles of 经济学, ECON1101), students must have earned an AP score of 4 or 5 on BOTH the Micro Principles AP exam and the Macro Principles AP exam. 学生s testing out of ECON 1101 in this manner are still required to complete the IS core Economic requirement by taking two 经济学 courses at the 2000-level or above.

学生s with AP scores of 4 or 5 in only one of those two courses (Principles of Microeconomics or Principles of Macroeconomics) are required to complete ECON 1101 and a 2000-level 经济学 course, like all majors.
If you have any questions about AP credits and the IS major or minor, contact Prof. Hiroshi Nakazato, Director of 本科 Studies.

联系 Professor Hiroshi Nakazato


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  • Drop by the IS Program office (Connolly房子 202) during the specific hours listed in our newsletter each week.
  • To meet with a specific advisor, 通过点击下面的个人资料或来他们的办公时间预订在线预约.
  • To book a meeting with any 同行的顾问, send an email to isp@bc.Edu加上主题行 &“同行咨询," telling us about your situation and when you'd like to meet.

Enrollment in the major is by competitive application, submitted in mid-February of freshman year. Transfer students who enter BC in their sophomore year may apply during the summer before they enter BC.

主要的 太阳城网赌平台


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Enrollment in the IS minor is open to all students who file a course plan, which outlines how they will meet the minor's requirements, before the end of the Drop/Add period in October of their junior year. We also welcome declarations of the IS minor in freshman or sophomore year. We encourage prospective IS minors to read about the minor requirements and visit with a 同行的顾问 or faculty advisor to help the craft their course plan. When completed, the course plan should be submitted to Ms. Patricia Joyce in Gasson 104.

小 Requirements


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The IS major requires a total of 45 credits in 13 approved courses, plus certification of language proficiency. Nearly 90% of our students also study abroad. The curricular components of the IS major include:

  • The 是主要的 Core (24 credits earned in 6 courses)
  • An elective concentration (18 credits earned in 6 courses)
  • Language proficiency (Advanced proficiency in one modern language or intermediate proficiency in two modern languages. The language requirement is co-curriculuar: language classes do not count as courses in the IS major, though the proficiency they foster is a requirement.)
  • Study abroad (学生s can transfer up to 2 classes or 8 credits from abroad in one semester, or 12 credits across a full year, usually toward their elective track.)
  • Senior seminar or senior thesis (3-credit senior seminar or 6-credit senior thesis—in which 3 credits could apply to an elective concentration)

是主要的 Components


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The 是次要的 requires six courses: two foundation courses, then four electives chosen from among four concentrations: Conflict and Cooperation; Ethics and Socail Justice; 全球 Cultures; or Political Economy and Development Studies. 

是次要的 Components


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Increased investment from the University has allowed the IS Program to expand to its current maximum of 105 students per year. 在六年的时间里, 被录取的学生人数从2016届的88人增加到2019届的95人, 到2022届的105人. 目前,这相当于一个大约280名学生的主要队列(跨越三个学年)。.


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Yes. Both IS majors and IS minors have a language proficiency requirement, but they differ:

All IS majors, regardless of their school (MCAS, CSOM, LSOE, CSON), must demonstrate advanced proficiency in one modern foreign language or intermediate proficiency in two modern foreign languages by the time of their graduation. Advanced proficiency will be met by taking at least two courses beyond the intermediate level of a modern foreign language. 

All IS minors, regardless of school (MCAS, CSOM, LSOE, CSON), must demonstrate intermediate-level proficiency in one modern foreign language. 

是主要的 Language Requirements

是次要的 Language Requirements


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Locate forms for course substitutions, withdrawals, pre-approvals, internships, and more on the 学生 服务s site. 

学生 服务s Site


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In addition to the academic advising conducted by our faculty advisors, program staff, and 同行的顾问s, we encourage students to take advantage of the many campus resources listed here related to academic support; mental health; physical health/disability; gender and sexuality; mindfulness and spiritual counseling/communities; and support groups. 

Campus 资源 for 学生s


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Review the list of approved Fall 2024 courses or a complete list of all approved courses offered in any semester.

Fall 2024 课程

Complete List of 课程


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